Birth Empowerment Course September 2, 9, 16, & 23 in Berlin

25.00 - 84.00

Through singing, meditation, movement & community.

This 4-week course is beautifully designed to support your mental, physical and emotional changes by utilizing your breath and voice. Each week revolves around a theme that will strengthen the bond to your baby, deepen your relationship with yourself, prepare your body & mind for birth & postpartum and to connect with other expecting mothers.

The course membership contains:
- 4 weekly 75 minute classes with a moment for sharing.
- A weekly care package that arrives in your inbox that contains additional breath and vocal exercises, meditations, recipes, and inspiration to support you and your baby.

Full course price: 84 euros
It is possible to 'drop-in' to the course, 1 single class: 25 euros
Class time: 19:15 - 20:30

'The prenatal singing course with Kendy was the best preparation I could do for giving birth and the process of becoming a mother. It gave me space and time to connect to my baby and my emotions, it made my mind and heart strong for believing in myself and the power of womenhood. We sang lullabies from all over the world and mantras but also shared our thoughts as pregnant women. The most special though is Kendy with her empowering and heartfelt charisma, you feel deeply supported and will love to listen to her clear voice.' - Julia F.

About the Instructor:
Kendy Gable is a doula, vocal teacher and singer-songwriter. Since the birth of her two sons, she has been forming a nourishing and supportive Prenatal Singing and Postnatal Singing program. Each prenatal singing class focuses on singing for birth preparation, for stress relief, and for deep connection to your inner power and to your baby in the womb.

Each class provides a space to find solace, rest and ease while deeply connecting to your voice, your inner world, your body and your baby. The breath exercises are supportive and nourishing. Every class ends with singing lullabies from many different cultures and ancient mantras.